What is coaching ?


Coaching allows you to benefit from a neutral external perspective, to gain in-depth awareness of your motivations, strengths, values, bottlenecks, obstacles, options and ressources.

As a certified coach, I help you overcome your obstacles and problems, in order to discover your ressources, to find your own solutions in order to achieve the goal you have set for yourself.

Why go through a coaching ?

Coaching will help you progress step by step towards a better knowledge of yourself, your aspirations, your values, your beliefs, your vision of the world and your objectives.

Coaching also allows you to develop your potential. You have all the ressources you need to be able to bring about a change or to be able to develop new behaviors more suited to what you want to achieve.

It is a moment of reflection on your projects and objectives according to your own criteria for success.

What can you expect from your coach ?

An attentive listener, without judgment and a tailor-made method: the coach motivates and mobilizes the ressources of his client so that his approach is a success.

Getting on the track: this is an intervention that aims to help you when you seem to be treading water.

Pushing you to act: sometimes it’s the nudge you need to say “go for it, you can do it.”

Confrontation: caring does not mean that a coach is always praising you, they can also confront you with your contradictions and encourage you to be more demanding on yourself in finding your solutions.

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